3 Benefits of Optimising Facebook Ad Campaigns

Social media has become a hub for individuals to find content and share it with others. More and more companies around the world are taking the time to optimise their social media ad campaigns using Facebook paid ads. Melbourne businesses can greatly benefit from dedicating time to optimising Facebook advertising. If you’d like to improve the effectiveness of ads and get the most out of campaigns, there are numerous reasons to consider working with professionals and enhancing your ads.
Beat Ad Fatigue

Have you ever seen an ad one too many times and decide to hide it from your newsfeed? If so, then you’ve likely experienced ad fatigue. Ad fatigue is a marketing campaign’s worst nightmare, as it can result in your target audience tiring of seeing your brand.

When ad fatigue sets in, it can result in plenty of negative consequences for your business. Some potential issues include users growing immune to ads and ignoring them, users not engaging with ads, or ad costs increasing. Campaign optimisation is the best way to avoid ad fatigue and ensure that you are effectively reaching your audience without going over your budget to get the desired results.

Control Frequency of Ads

Ad frequency plays a role in ad fatigue, which makes it an important factor to consider when launching campaigns. This campaign metric allows companies to see exactly how many times members of a target audience have seen your ads.

Frequency is measured using a point system and companies should aim to stay within 2 or 3 points when attempting to reach broader audiences while the frequency rating for narrow or niche audiences can go a bit higher. You should also pay attention to other performance indicators that let you know when it’s time to alter or pause campaigns. If a campaign is still producing positive results, you may even choose to keep it running as is until ad cost increases.

Maintain Low Ad Costs

One of the things companies using campaign ads on social media enjoy is the low cost of highly effective Facebook paid ads. Melbourne business owners can easily reach their target audience by optimising their Facebook advertising and paying attention to cost-per-click, or CPC, prices throughout the duration of the campaign.

Optimisation of Facebook ads includes bidding smarter, allowing you to increase ad ROI and keep your costs from skyrocketing. By optimising campaigns, your business can retain low ad expenses throughout the ad’s lifecycle. Without doing this, your business may not get the results desired from campaigns and cost-effectiveness is decreased.

Utilising Facebook advertising is an excellent way to ensure that your business is properly presented to the right audience. Facebook ads that aren’t optimised can cause you to miss opportunities to generate leads and increase sales and traffic to your website. Optimisation allows companies to avoid the negative effects of ad fatigue, control how often ads are seen, keep the costs of ads low, and effectively reach their target audience.

How to Find Inspiration When Designing Your Own Logo

Find Inspiration when making your own logo design
It’s well known that a unique and creative logo can present a lot of value to a business, helping the business establish a brand identity and distinguish itself from the competition. With that said, though, coming up with an idea for a unique and creative logo is quite often easier said than done.

If you are working with a designer to help you create a logo for your business then you will have someone else in your corner to help with the process of coming up with an ideal design. If you decide to design your own logo though, the responsibility of creating a unique and eye-catching design will fall squarely on your shoulders.

The good news, though, is that inspiration can be found all around you. To help you get started, here are a few tips that you can use to find inspiration when designing your own logo.

Take a Look at Your Competition

The first and arguably most beneficial resource for you to turn to if you are looking for inspiration is the logos that your competitors are using – and there are a couple of good reasons why taking the time to check out your competitors’ logos can help you come up with your own design.

To start, a good logo needs to be unique enough for customers to notice it and differentiate it from other logos in the same industry. In other words, it’s important for you to design a logo that is distinguishable from the logos that your competitors are using. Of course, you won’t know what logos your competitors are using unless you take the time to check them out. Researching other logos in your industry can give you good feel for what has been done already – and, more importantly, what’s been done too much – so you are able to ensure that the design you come up with stands out from the crowd.

On the flip side of the coin, researching your competitors’ logos can give you an idea of what is working in your industry. While it’s essential to ensure that your logo is unique enough to be distinguishable, there’s also no harm in drawing inspiration from companies in your industry that have already created an effective logo design.

In the end, there is a fine balance between borrowing proven design elements from your competitors and ensuring that your logo stands out from the crowd. Taking the time to research the logo designs that your competitors are using, though, is the only way to find this all-important balance.

Spend Some Time on Pinterest

The go-to social media platform for all things visual and artsy, Pinterest is a great site to browse if you are on the hunt for inspiration. In addition to enabling you to browse through thousands of different logo designs, Pinterest also enables you to search for art and designs pertaining to a near infinite range of subject matter. If you own landscaping company, for example, searching things such as “landscaping logo” or “landscaping clip art” on Pinterest will pull up plenty of results for you to draw inspiration from.

Doodle Your Designs

If you are in the process of coming up with a design for your logo, you should always keep a notebook and pen or pencil nearby. Often times, simply doodling random design ideas down on a piece of paper is how the best designs are born. While coming up with designs in your head is great, doodling them down on paper is typically a far better way to find inspiration for the perfect logo design.

Need A Professional Online Logo Maker? Thousands of businesses have trusted LogoMyWay. Our logo maker has hundreds of unique logo designs to choose from. Make your own logo in just 5 minutes.

Get Started Now There are several key reasons why sketching out design ideas can be so helpful. For one, it enables you to see your design on paper – even if its in a crude form – and evaluate it from there. Many times, designs that sound great in theory often don’t end up looking all that all appealing once they are brought to life. This means that simply scribbling down your design idea and taking a look at it can often help you decide whether or not the design is worth pursuing.

Another reason why sketching your design ideas can help you find inspiration is the fact that inspiration is often born out of the creation process. Writers tend to find inspiration mid-sentence, painters mid-stroke, and so on – in the same way that inspiration fuels the act of creation, the act of creation can often fuel inspiration as well.

Write Down the Objectives for Your Logo

In many ways, a logo is work of art. Unlike most art, though, a logo is a tool that is designed to accomplish a very specific set of purposes. If you are looking for inspiration for your logo design, determining what these purposes are can be very beneficial.

Start by asking important questions about the function of the logo you are wanting to design. What kind of brand identity are you looking to establish? What messages are you wanting to convey to your audience? Would you like for your audience to have an emotional response to your logo, and, if so, what response are you looking to elicit?

Asking and answering questions such as these can help you narrow down the function of your logo design, and, once you know the function that you are aiming for, coming up with a design that will perform that function is much easier.

Bring Outside Voices into the Conversation

Just because you are designing your own logo doesn’t mean that you have to complete the process entirely by yourself. You may not have a designer to work with and bounce ideas off of if you are designing your own logo, but you can still search out opinions and ideas from trusted friends and family.

Inspiration often doesn’t do well in a vacuum, and listening to outside voices is certainly one of the best ways to step outside your own perspective and consider design ideas that you might not have otherwise considered. Once you’ve come up with a condensed list of the objectives that you would like your logo design to fulfill, present those objectives to a few trusted friends and see what they have to say.

Create Your Design One Element at a Time

Rather than trying to come up with an entire logo design at once, you may find it easier to create your logo design one element at a time. For example, start by figuring out the color scheme that you want your logo to have, keeping in mind that messages that different colors convey and how those messages will help you accomplish the ultimate purpose of your logo design. Next, move on to the text that your logo will have and the font that your logo’s text will be written in. After you have both the color scheme, text, and font for your logo figured out, start thinking about the images that you would like to use. Before long, you’ll have a complete logo design.

Constructing your logo design in this piece by piece manner can certainly simplify the design process. Rather than waiting on a flash of inspiration to provide you with an idea for the completed design, you can get started right away building your design one element at a time.

If all Else Fails, Hire a Designer

If you’ve tried everything to come up with the perfect design for your business’s logo and are still falling short, it may be time to consider professional help. While it’s true that no one knows your business like you do and you will need to provide your designer with plenty of guidance for the best results, it’s also true that talented designers are experts at examining a brand and its objectives before coming up with an ideal logo design for that brand. If all else fails, hiring a logo designer who has performed the process of creating a unique and interesting design countless times before can certainly be very helpful.

Of course, the only thing more inspiring than working with a single talented logo designer is working with dozens of them. In addition to providing our customers with the ability to create their own logo using our online logo maker, LogoMyWay also enables you to create a logo design contest and receive hundreds of different designs straight to your inbox.

Commercial ads to promote on reels

The reel is a new Instagram feature that allows you to add a short in your Instagram profile. The time limit of a single reel video is not more than a couple of minutes. This feature is really useful if you want to share a piece of small information quickly.

Posts are a single image and IGTV is for long videos and that makes reel perfect for grabbing attention and engagements in a short period of time. So, if you want to make commercial ads on reel here are some tips that you must follow:

1. Use the trending hashtags:
If you do proper research you can get the best trending hashtags suitable for your reel. Make sure all the hashtags you use are real hashtags and not shadow banned. If you use too many hashtags and most of them and shadow-banned than your reel will not reach too many people and you will not get the expected views.

Make sure you use limited hashtags and all the hashtags should be related to your niche. Your engagement will only grow when you use the right videos for an interested audience. You cannot use travel hashtags for cloths and cooking videos, this will lead you nowhere.

2. Content is king:
Your content should be attractive at first so that you grab the attention of people, for that you can make reel on comedy, action, or creative genre. Once you grab the attention of your audience make sure they stay at the page and watch more similar stuff. The quality of your content will decide the engagement of your audience.

To make people engage in your content try to make it on trending topics and make it entertaining. Now there is a wide scope of entertainment reels, you can add a song, create suspense, make them think, give a message, add sarcasm but just make it entertaining.

3. Tag to famous and related accounts
Ever happened with you that your casual comment got many likes, or you got random followers? This is the range of social media, there are lots of people who daily watch the content of famous Instagram accounts. If you keep tagging or comment on some popular yet related accounts you can grab their audience towards your account.

This is called smart marketing; you will get followers and reach not by competing with your competitors but by attracting their audience.

4. Target the specific audience
One vital thing to keep in mind is that you cannot please all types of audience with your content. So, try to focus on a specific audience. The more specific you are the more long-lasting engagements you gain.

People will follow and share your reels only when they find it entertaining or valuable so, firstly know your audience and then give them what they are looking for.

Commercial videos are useful only if they are reached towards a large number of people. If you follow the above tips and tricks you will surely gain a lot of audience for your commercial videos on reels.